Yes, I'm writing back for almost 1 year ++?? hurm... forgot already. Suddenly the mood to write is coming back cause I just read about my one of my student blog. The feeling is so great. It's so nice that just make me want to write back.
By the way, I'm currently doing a practical in Kuala Kangsar. SMK Raja Perempuan Kelsom, that's the school name. What I can describe about this school are it's such a nice school, great environment, so peaceful because the school is on top of the hill name Bukit Kerajaan. Near Istana Perak. An English building, that's the main point. Sounds nice right? Just come here if you want to feel it and see it by yourself.
Back to the main story. I just finish relief a form 4 class just now. And I think this is the best class that I had relief. They are not shy to share their feelings, asking lots of question and look so curious about me. I just tell them about my experience and give them some motivation.
12.40. The class end. I was preparing to leave the class and suddenly one student came to me and give me a note. She tell me "cikgu baca blog saya tau. cikgu baca tau" and I take the note.I don't know why she really want me to read her blog. You make me so curios my dear student. I'm so curious yeah~ (singing lalala~~~)
After arrive to Bilik Guru, I quickly open my lappy and type the address. ******* And the google is loading. After that, the blog is open. yosh! success. I try to look at her blog. Hey, her english is so good. And I bet she have a lot of post too since her scroll bar look so short. I try to scroll it down and look at her post. And scroll back to the top post.
I start reading the first post. No wonder her english is good, she read fanfic too (same like me). And what I'm interested to her first post is her story about her first love. Now I know why she really want me to read this since I just share my story to them.
Her story look so nice at first but it become a sad story when it come to the end. I just told my self "maybe ini kelebihan yang aku dapat daripada karier ni". Listen to the student story and try to put myself in their shoes. As I'm also a student just like them. And since their age is so near with me, I just tell them to call me akak if they want. But not in school la. Scared other teacher will looking weird at me.
-The End-
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