Sunday, July 17, 2011


Morning ~~~

Just arrive at my aunt house this morning. So, untuk entry hari ni saya berblogging di rumah aunty. hehehehe...

Untuk hari ni saya nak cakap pulak pasal my ultimate KPOP boyband, INFINITE. INFINITE is back with brand new album. Full album *all INSPIRIT screaming !!! * Memang lah saya yang sebagai INSPIRIT-never-die ni sangat2 lah happy tak hingat. Once the comeback news came out, I was like "is this real? Am I not read the wrong info? " and after that dying because of happiness. My friends pon dah faham sangat dengan my attitude yang gila INFINITE ni. And I'm admit myself that I'm an INFINITE die-hard fan now.

Talk about INFINITE new album, it will be release on 21st July. So, the comeback stage?? I'm not so sure about that. Below are some caption from the teaser which had been reveal on 16th July.

And please click here for the teaser. We are going to get 1 million views before the MV release. Just watch it until the end and refresh it to watch again so that the views increase. I really hope they can manage to get no 1 in all music charts. INFINITE hwaiting! INSPIRIT hwaiting! *saya beli album dorang*

That's all from me. I hope you can click the link and watch the teaser. Thank you for your supports. Bye yeom~

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Hi ! I'm back. Woooo~ memanglah tersangat lama tak update blog ni. Finale update...last month??? Waaaa~ sori ea korang. Saya ada banyak sangat masalah yang memeningkan kepala sekarang ni. About my mom, my dad.

Arggghhhh! Stop ! Bukan itu yang saya nak cerita sekarang tapi benda kat atas tu. Apa tu? Hehehe... By the way, last 1st July I went to BEAST concert. WOW!! BEAST!!! Thats right. BEAST. Macam mana saya ada duit sebanyak tu untuk beli tiket? Saya mana main beli2 ni. Orang main menang competition. Tengok orang la kan (takabbur kejap). Sori la lambat sangat post bende ni. By the way, I got VIP ticket from 8tvnitelive sms competition. I'm so lucky, am I? Below are some picture when the concert held.

JUNHYUNG INTRO *Beliau sangatlah senyap sunyi*



Sebab tersangatlah besar saiz gmbar tu, so saya dpt masukkan yang mampu di upload je. Tapi kalau nak tgk lagi just click here

That's the end of my story. I'm gonna update my blog with new post next time. Got to go. CHOW !!!