Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Sekolah...Sekolah... Nak sekolah ape ni???

Buntu sudah. Dah tak tahu nak pilih sekolah ape. Serius... Rase macam nak cabut je otak dalam kepala ni. Tak nak fikir macam-macam masalah. Tetapi satu lagi masalah datang bertimpa. Sekarang ni masalah sekolah plak.

Dekat mane nak buat ROS ni (ROS stand for Rancangan Orientasi Sekolah). Korang pernah tengok tak ade cikgu-cikgu baru kat sekolah korang yang tibe2 datang masuk kelas korang then die terus duduk kat seat belakang sekali dalam kelas korang? Masuk kelas korang tanpa bercakap sepatah haram pon? mesti pernah kan?? Itulah benda alah yang bakal saya buat nanti -.-"

Sekarang masalah yang nak kene fikir ni kat mane nak buat bende alah tu. Inilah susahnya kalau dulu sekolah asyik pindah2 je. Form 1-3 sekolah lain. Form 4-5 sekolah lain plak. Plus pindah rumah plak. Memang haram la saya nak rapat ngan cikgu saya dulu. hurm.... *otak da ting tong*

Antara cadangan sekolah yang mahu diisi dalam borang ROS ni :

1. Sek Men. Felda Kahang Timur, Kluang, Johor
2. Sek. Men. Perempuan Temenggung Ibrahim, Batu Pahat, Johor.
3. Sekolah kat Kajang (tak tahu name sekolah)
4. Sekolah Men. Abdul Jalil (baru di cadangkan oleh abang tadi)

Sampai sekarang tak settle lagi. Padahal borang tu nak bagi esok. Adoiiii~~~~~

Friday, December 9, 2011

~ Perginya Seorang Sahabat ~

Tanggal 8 Disember 2011. Perginya seorang sahabat yang tersangat di sayangi. GEMOK...

Just get the news about my cat was passed away. I cannot tell what I feel on that time. Hanya mampu tergamam, read the message again and again, and my mind blank. without being notice I cry.

Gemok... walaupun dia hanya seekor kucing, tapi saya dah anggap macam sahabat baik. I spent most of my time at home with her. Saya akan pastikan dia sentiasa mendapat makan yang cukup. Dan saya akan jaga dia dengan sebaiknya.

Dia lah juga tempat saya meluahkan segala perasaan tension dan sebagainya. Saya tak pernah menganggapnya sebagai seekor kucing. Dia lah teman saya.

Tapi sekarang dia dah tak ada. Kawan saya dah tak ada. Still can't believe that she die already. I really love that cat. Love a lot. Tapi yang pergi tu tetap pergi. I have to face it...


Friday, December 2, 2011


Terlalu lama rase nye tak update blog ni. I thought I didn't want to update anything. Tapi lepas jenguk blog kawan terasa nak update something. Since sangat banyak benda yang berlaku selama beberapa bulan ni. So, I have to write something.

Last week, I spend some time with my belove peeps. Kawan satu course yang sangat slumber, sporting and happy-go-lucky. Even though sometime tak sekepale in certain things, but itulah yang mengeratkan kitorang. Dengan 4 biji kereta, kitorang spend time together eating2 kat jeti Kuala Perlis. For the first time pergi sane, sangat2 la excited. Jaw drop OK ! Kalau di suruh saya tidur kat situ pon saya sanggup. And tengah menghayati keindahan alam ciptaan tuhan, tibe2 ternampak pengantin tengah photoshoot. Fuh! serius cantik !

Nak tahu ape yang kami order? Nah ! Tengok kat atas tu. Banyak tak? hahaha... Mula ingatkan macam tak cukup. Ye lah. Nak bagi anak naga makan la katakan (kami la tu). Lepas makan baru tahu banyak tak banyak la kan makanan tu semua. Mcam nak meletop semua perut. Sangat2 kenyang. So, boleh la kita pergi lagi ye lain kali. Tapi next sem aku nak korang bawak aku g Penang. Korang dah janji dah *luahan hati anak johor yang dah gian nak meronggeng*

Picture above is : MY BELOVE PEEPS! Geng yang sangat sempoi, sporting and slumber. 3S... Saya rase antara banyak2 batch, batch kitorang paling sempoi. Tapi sempoi2 kitorang pon, kitorang garang dengan junior. So junior, please respect your senior OK. Korang akan jumpe kitorang 5 sem lagi.

~And last but not least : Bachelor in Education (Information Technology), always in my HEART~

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Morning ~~~

Just arrive at my aunt house this morning. So, untuk entry hari ni saya berblogging di rumah aunty. hehehehe...

Untuk hari ni saya nak cakap pulak pasal my ultimate KPOP boyband, INFINITE. INFINITE is back with brand new album. Full album *all INSPIRIT screaming !!! * Memang lah saya yang sebagai INSPIRIT-never-die ni sangat2 lah happy tak hingat. Once the comeback news came out, I was like "is this real? Am I not read the wrong info? " and after that dying because of happiness. My friends pon dah faham sangat dengan my attitude yang gila INFINITE ni. And I'm admit myself that I'm an INFINITE die-hard fan now.

Talk about INFINITE new album, it will be release on 21st July. So, the comeback stage?? I'm not so sure about that. Below are some caption from the teaser which had been reveal on 16th July.

And please click here for the teaser. We are going to get 1 million views before the MV release. Just watch it until the end and refresh it to watch again so that the views increase. I really hope they can manage to get no 1 in all music charts. INFINITE hwaiting! INSPIRIT hwaiting! *saya beli album dorang*

That's all from me. I hope you can click the link and watch the teaser. Thank you for your supports. Bye yeom~

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Hi ! I'm back. Woooo~ memanglah tersangat lama tak update blog ni. Finale update...last month??? Waaaa~ sori ea korang. Saya ada banyak sangat masalah yang memeningkan kepala sekarang ni. About my mom, my dad.

Arggghhhh! Stop ! Bukan itu yang saya nak cerita sekarang tapi benda kat atas tu. Apa tu? Hehehe... By the way, last 1st July I went to BEAST concert. WOW!! BEAST!!! Thats right. BEAST. Macam mana saya ada duit sebanyak tu untuk beli tiket? Saya mana main beli2 ni. Orang main menang competition. Tengok orang la kan (takabbur kejap). Sori la lambat sangat post bende ni. By the way, I got VIP ticket from 8tvnitelive sms competition. I'm so lucky, am I? Below are some picture when the concert held.

JUNHYUNG INTRO *Beliau sangatlah senyap sunyi*



Sebab tersangatlah besar saiz gmbar tu, so saya dpt masukkan yang mampu di upload je. Tapi kalau nak tgk lagi just click here

That's the end of my story. I'm gonna update my blog with new post next time. Got to go. CHOW !!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Hi~ Welcome back. Last Tuesday, I went to Cameron Highland for two days. Nice trip and also new experience for me since this is my first time. I have posted some pictures during this trip. And below is on the first day. Second day is coming soon. ENJOY !!!
~My first stop, LATA ISKANDAR~
~With my Grandma~
~My 2nd stop: Cameron Bharat Plantations~
~I'm a purple Devilish~
~Welcome to Cameron Highlands~
That's the end of my trip on the first day. let's continue on the 2nd day : COMING SOON...

Monday, April 25, 2011


Terima kasih la 'KAWAN BAIK'. ngan roomate aku yg ko cri gduh tu bleh ko tegur. kalau ngan aku, tgk muke pon tak hingin. minta maaf la banyak2 kalau aku tegur ko tu salah sangat. aku ni da mcm org bodoh merayu minta maaf walaupon aku tak rase tu salah aku. pttnye aku la yg emo kot coz statement ko yg buat aku sentap gile tu. rasenye buat bazir satu mlm aku je pk salah sangat ke aku tegur td smpai tak blh nak tido. bangun pg trus send msg say sorry. tp ko bukan stakat x reply, aku rase ko bace pon x nak kan. mesti ko happy kan skrg tgk aku terseksa mcm ni. rase bersalah tak sudah2 walaupon aku yakin salah aku buat tak brape. minta ampun minta maaf da nak xm. aku x nak lah kang tak berkat plak nak jwb xm. TERIMA KASIH BANYAK2....

Monday, April 18, 2011


Tanggal 15 Mei. For the first time Cate pergi konsert yang segala pak2 VIP and orang penting datang. Woooo... Sambutan tak payah cakap la. Masuk je dlm hall dah macam sambut Sultan plak gamaknye. By the way, memang sambut sultan pon. Name pon konsert simfoni diraja kan.

Ramai orang datang sebab nak tgk Ana Raffali and Faizal Tahir je ...

Saya yang chumel. Readers, don't vomit. Many people said I'm cute ^^

Awa, expression yg mmg gempax. Tp still x bleh lawan saya :P

Me n my roomate, Adah. Tinggal kami berdua ~

Jomlah snap dulu. Lama sangat nak tunggu pak sultan ni dtg. PEACE ^_^V.

And pada keesokan harinya birthday Awa. Happy birthday Awa, si Funny ! Memang best dapat celebrate dgn kawan2. Main baling2 tepung. Telur yang 3 hari dah terkepam dalam bilik. Air satu baldi. Honestly, roomate aku menggila malam tu. Sume orang dia nak jirus. Ko tunggu je lah Adah. Minggu depan ko plak. Hahahaha XD

Dapat upload kek picture je. Ni before sume mengamuk. Bile dah mengamuk. habis berkecai kek. Nak upload pic lain sume orang free hair. So, ENJOY ^^

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Happy. Tersangat happy. Surat Cate kene reply dengan BOYFRIENDS. Ramainye BF. hehehe~ Before Cate terlupa baik Cate tulis dulu. Last week, Cate hantar one question kat music bank KBS World FB. Not one actually, it's 2. Send ke INFINITE, my KPOP band BIAS. Hopefully the question will be answered.

-The Advertisement-
Question Cate in the red box.

Lepas je bangun dari tido petang tadi terus ngadap laptop. Tengah dok baca segala tweets yang ada, suddenly notice one of the friends tweets yang INFINITE jawab soalan yang dia tanya tu. Cate pon ape lagi bukak lah FB KBS WORLD. Tetibe nampak gambar yang baru upload. Click to the picture and guess what, my question was answered. But it's not 1 only, it's both. Wahahahaha XD... I can't stop myself screaming and laughing like a crazy person. Unbelievable? Believe it !!!

The underline is my name :p The first question.
ANd the 2nd question. So HAPPY !!!!