Tuesday, December 21, 2010

~랜덤 - RANDOM~

I'm so bored. Nothing to do. And suddenly remember my BLOG !!! Kekeke~~~

Many things happen for this month. My friend scolded at me until I'm crying. Very embarrased moment in my life. There were nobody dare to scold at me like that. She is ONE AND ONLY!!!.

I can still remember when I can't handle my tears. And on that time, I would rather watching other people at the cafe than her. She still wan to win and she still think that I'm really wrong. I'm not angry with her. I just hate her BFF!!! 80. Try to act like she is one of the roommate. So she can't respect other people. My heart still ache until now. Do the readers think I'm wrong in this matter???. I didn't do something wrong. I just want that person to be faster so that I can finish reading my book. Didn't she know that I have an exam ?? And my roommate??? HOW DARE SHE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arghhhhhh.....STOP. Ok. Just forget all that DAMN people. Just focus for now. I don't want to remember all that people. Just make me headache. Better for me to fulfill my heart with all the KPOP stuff and fanfic. Watching SECRET GARDEN. Listen to BEAST song. Read the latest KPOP news. Play GUESS game in the twitter. Upload KPOP picture. Ahhhhh....~~ My life is for KPOP only ^^



Monday, December 20, 2010


Currently downloading this Korean drama. Very interesting. First time I read its subtitle, i already attracted to it. And I already download it until episode 7. 13 more to go. To all the K-Drama Lovers, I really recommend this. Even though my friend said that the hero is old already, but for me it doesn't matter. Below are the main cast. Maybe all of you will remember them in another drama~~

Lee HyunBin. Maybe you will remember him in My Girl Kim Sam Soon. He is the hero in that drama. Quiet popular drama long time ago.

Ha JiWon. Heroin in this drama. She is also the main cast in My Tutor Friend 1. Remember???
So, hope all the readers will enjoy this drama. Happy watching ^_^

Friday, December 17, 2010


Beautiful my girl
My beautiful my girl and I
So beautiful my girl
In the cube
Ha ha girl
This is my confession
Drop that beat

Oh listen to my heart
Listen to my heart
Even though no words can describe you

I will let you listen to my heart through my own style
oh listen listen listen girl

Nothing better than you

If someone offfers me the world

You you you you

I can’t trade it for you

Hey baby girl everyday is so fun
Honestly I’m a bit scared, but no matter what anyone says,
I want

So beautiful my girl
Oh oh girl oh oh girl
Even if time goes by
Compared to anyone else in the world
I will cherish you my girl I will give you my all
You U To you U
To oh oh

I can run to anywhere you are
I always think about you

Even more than now
I will love you more my girl
You you you my girl

U oh beautiful U so beautiful
U my beautiful
Nothing better than you
Oh beautiful U so beautiful
U my beautiful

Don’t be shy girl

When you are having hard times, anytime I’ll be there
Come to me anytime and come into my arms

Just close your eyes and listen to my words
Oh listen listen listen girl

Nothing better than you

No one can stop me

You you you you

The way my heart feels towards you

I’m the one who wouldn’t regret
Using 24 hours in a day just for you
Just take my hand and fly

So beautiful my girl
U oh oh girl U oh oh girl
Even if time goes by
Compared to anyone else in the world
I will cherish you my girl I will give you my all
You U To you U
To oh oh

I can run to anywhere you are
I always think about you

Even more than now
I will love you more my girl
You you you my girl

U oh beautiful
U so beautiful
U my beautiful
Nothing better than you
Oh beautiful
U so beautiful
U my beautiful
Beautiful my girl

Make a love baby Just make a love
Feeling in my heart
So nice

So beautiful my girl
Oh oh girl oh oh girl Even if time goes by
Compared to anyone else in the world
I will cherish you my girl I will give you my all
You U To you U
To oh oh

Even though you are far away I can feel you
I’m always dreaming about you
Even more than now

I will love you more my girl
You you you my girl

U oh beautiful
U so beautiful
U my beautiful
Nothing better than you
Oh beautiful
U so beautiful
U my beautiful
Nothing better than you

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Sedih nya bila apa yang kita hajati tak dapat ditunaikan. Macam satu kes Cate ni la. Teramat la sadis lagi tragik. Bak kena tembak dengan bazooka + senapang gajah yang menggunakan peluru M16. Sakitnya hingga ke tulang belulang. Aduhhhhh....

Sebenarnya tak ada lah serius sangat. Cuma tak dapat jumpe boyfriend yang jauh di rantau orang dan my sis yang cantik lagi seksi (serasanya dak ni tak ada kakak??). Nak tau sapa yang dimaksudkan?? Ni kat bawah ni.

Waaaaa....nak pergi konsert ni. Bestnya kalau dapat pergi. Saya adalah fan KPOP tegar. hukhukhuk. Tapi apakan daya 13 hb tersebut Cate sudah pon berada di dalam bas untuk pulang ke tempat asalnya. Woooooo...sedih.. BEAST !! 4MINUTE!! G-NA!!!